Training and Attachments Register

This is a preview of the Training Register form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Personal Information

* indicates a required field.

Your Details

Address Line 1, Suburb/Town, State/Province, and Postcode are required. 

Statistical Information

Please indicate if you identify as coming from any of the following groups
Check as many as apply

Applicant Overview

What level of experience do you have in the screen industry? * Required
The ABN provided will be used to look up the following information.
Click Lookup above to check that you have entered the ABN correctly.
Information from the Australian Business Register
Entity name
ABN status
Entity type
Goods & Services Tax (GST)
DGR Endorsed
ATO Charity TypeMore information
ACNC Registration
Tax Concessions
Main business location
Must be an ABN. Though not essential for registration, some productions may require you to have an ABN.
Attach a file: Select stored file

    Please remember to save your work before continuing.