SBS Talent Escalator Program 2024

This is a preview of the SBS Talent Escalator 2024 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

General Information - Overall process

General Information

The SBS Talent Escalator program provides direct professional experience in productions for early-career and emerging practitioners, specifically from diverse or under-represented backgrounds.

This form is for Production Companies to apply to Screen Tasmania for match funding with SBS.


Selection Process:

Practiciones chosen for the Talent Escalator program will either be already on the Production Company's radar or will be found through an Expression of Interest call out. This EOI call out will be advertised through Screen Tasmania's website, email and social media channels. Screen Tasmania will assess the applicant's eligibility before approving their potential employment on production. The production company and HoDs will make the final decision on who is selected.

This position is usually generated through consultation with Screen Tasmania. 


The successful applicant will be contracted through the Production company, not Screen Tasmania. They are to be paid at least the minimum rate for a 40 or 50-hour week as stipulated in the agreement that the production is following. 

Production companies should apply for a sum that covers this wage along with super and other fringe costs. 


Only practitioners who have been residents in Tasmania (for Tax Office or Electoral Office purposes) for at least 6 months prior are eligible.

Your Project Officer is:
This question is read only. If no one is indicated, it is because allocation has not yet occurred. It is most likely to be Jane Stapleton.

The Process

SmartyGrants is the central means of managing your Application and any subsequent contractual obligations.

The process:

  • After discussion and approval from Screen Tasmania and SBS, the Production Company can apply for funding using this form.
  • Learning Agreements must then be completed by the HoDs and the placement. These are to be returned through Smartygrants and will inform the contract.
  • If SBS provides similar documents, these can be completed instead of the Learning Agreement to avoid double-up of paperwork.
  • The Grant Agreement will then be sent to the Production Company to sign.
  • The signed Grant Agreement and first invoice will be lodged via SmartyGrants.
  • Once production has wrapped, Screen Tasmania will provide an Acquittal Report form for the HoD (or Supervisor) and placement to complete individually. 

If you are successful, PLEASE DO NOT EMAIL materials back to us. Lodge all paperwork through Smarty Grants. This maintains our audit trail and speeds up payment.